$f00 |2-Stuff $05f Hmmm... OK, I go and write loads of decent (?) articles, and send them off to Carnage in London, and then get issue 16 of TW, and find that the adress is no longer available. Shit. I no longer have those articles as well. Oh bother! Anyway, here`s some stuff that I`ve thought of as I go along. Some true, some not, some bigoted, but all in your Earth language of Ingerlish. $05f In September, I spotted a letter from D!ck on Teletext (C4) in the Online section. For God`s sake man, are so discontented with being the founding father of the Amiga`s best e-zine that you have to take over Teletext as well? Is there no stopping D!ck? If that is your real name... Nice new logo the BBC`s gone and got itself. Of course, all you licence payers (not me of course - too young! Ha-ha!) will complain that the money would have been better spent on new programmes, but think of the following scenario, for YOU KNOW I AM RIGHT... The last BBC logo was a four colour affair - __ __ __ /Ż// // / < Grey ŻŻ ŻŻ ŻŻ /=//=//=/ Red Green Blue Well, maybe the ASCII`s crap, and the colour`s may be wrong but who cares. You see, all of the BBC`s printing had to be budgeted for colour - a waste of money the new one... _____ _____ _____ | | | | | | | B | | B | | C | | | | | | | ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ is only in black and white - think of the money they`ll save on printing! Let`s congratulate Sir Richard Of Branston Pickle for signing Chris Evans to Virgin, and getting him to start on the same day as Zoe Ball and Keving Greening started their new breakfast show on Radio One. I bet Matthew Banisster is cacking his pants as I speak. Two days into Chris` new show and it`s already just like it used to be with the old team back on top form (Chris, Holly Hotlips, Big John Revell, Dan The Soundman, Jamie Student Bloke, Tina Ritchie (He payed her £60 000 to quit R1!), but not Justin the Teaboy (he really is a student now!)). Bannister made a huge mistake letting Evans go, and I give Radio One about two years before they are consigned to the dustbins of broadcasting history, along with the entire VHS run of `The Krankies Funniest Moments` (2 seconds long), and `More adventures of the Executioners of Bloodlustland`. Congratulations to Channel Five for going against the odds, and despite what other people think, it is the the best channel on terrestrial (apart from the other two `alternative` channels BBC2 and C4). Also congrats to Jack Docherty for improving your show no end after your extended holiday, and coming back with the band known as Blair. |1-Stuff (volume one) |1-Copyright 1997 Daniel Thornton. $ff0 [Sorry about the address problems but we've all moved addresses over the last year and we advise you to read the address info in the latest issue before posting. Yes D!ck is his name. His real name being Richard. Kei] $fff end